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Come Join Hands with us, Lets Paint the World with Dazzling Colours



Early 2019, Ihtesham, Muqtasid and Farzad joined hands together to create a high-powered group called Prodigies and Pathfinders. It is interesting to understand what is the purpose of this group and why was it even created. This website has been put together to help you understand the same and also give you an opportunity to connect (Social Media Links at the bottom of this page) and contribute if you would be interested in doing so.

Prodigies and Pathfinders group members have passion towards few specific academic areas. They are good in various sports they play. They participate in a variety of cultural activities. Year 2019 beginning, they came together with the common interest of sharing their passion and activities with the rest of the world and influence others also to model a similarly positive model of life. With this objective, they commenced a bunch of interesting initiatives under the label of Prodigies and Pathfinders, with the following charter.


  • Create awareness in the world about certain focus areas or technologies which is of their interest. E.g. Muqtasid likes being a Science Evangelist sharing his interest in science and ihtesham, a mathematician and Farzad is a strong badminton player and love’s to spread awareness about ting concepts and experiments on social media. Similarly Ihtesham is a budding these topics. They all know, evangelizing their interests will also help them attain even further excellence in those respective areas.

  • Identify weaker and underprivileged sections of Society and help them in various ways.

  • Stay bodily fit by practicing challenging physical activities and influence others for the same.

  • Execute on all the above, not as a lone ranger, but as a synergised group, in order to harness the power of teamwork, to divide and conquer.


The aesthetic logo of this Prodigies and Pathfinders group profoundly reflects its objectives.

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Home: Who We Are
Home: What We Do


Prodigies and Pathfinders  team usually work on the following types of engagements

  • Helping the Needy and Underprivileged Community in multiple ways. 

  • Evangelize interesting Cultural Activities by practising Creative Hobbies.  

  • Work hard to excel in academically oriented engagements. 

  • Create a platform for entertaining people.                                                                                                                                                               

Following location is where we are headquartered, though we are a sub-division of Socio-Economic Empowerment Foundation of India               

Please feel free to connect with us thru our Social Media footprint (bottom of this page) or you could reach out to us through              as well.

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