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Cornish College of Arts 
Meeting with Sharron Starling

  I am immensely passionate about music and keen to pursue graduation in a related field. As an attempt to explore higher studies, I came across Cornish College of Art and was able to schedule a meeting with Sharron Starling, the director of admissions at Cornish.


This one on one meeting was mainly regarding what courses were available in Cornish College of Arts, what it takes to get into the college and multiple facts about the institute. The following are the several questions I asked:


Q- Let's talk about this course The Bachelor of Arts in Music which you offer, what all do you cover? What are the concepts in The Bachelor of Arts in Music?

A- The course is like an all in one because it covers music production, music composition, theory etc. in Year 1 and 2. So, it is able to set the ground for whatever you will be doing in the future. 

Q- Are there any advanced level studies also available? Are there any summer courses you offer which I can take? 

A- There are several courses starting later this year regarding music production in sound design if you are interested in them. 


Q- If I want to study Music as a field formally at graduation, in this college or others, what is your suggestion, what should I focus on? Getting a certification in Music theory courses? Giving AP Music theory exams? Learning more instruments at an advanced level? Learning more Music software tools? Basically, what is the process of profile building?

A- I would definitely suggest learning the keyboard as you will be using it for music production. Apart from that, learning software like Logic Pro X is definitely helpful as it will be easier for you in College. We equally look at your academics and performance with any one musical instrument for admission. Apart from this, Getting certifications is definitely a good factor in the profile.


Q-I would like to understand what options you provide for Financial assistance? To what extent scholarships are available - 100%, 75% ..... and what would be the evaluation criteria? I would like to prepare myself well in advance to have a strong candidate to meet the scholarship grant criteria and hence looking for very detailed and accurate information.

A- There is an option for up to 40% off Scholarship which you will be able to access based on your profile. 


Q- Is homeschooling a good option for Grade 11 so that I can focus on music.  

A- Yeah, homeschooling will be a good option. 


Q-  How can I stay connected with your college or any other Music related general forums or communities, are there any online meetups or other channels available, so that I can understand what other music students are working on and I can also exchange what I am doing?

A- There is nothing as such set up right now. But if later on, you are looking for an admission or want to join a course, you can email me and I will set you up with a student.

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