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Introduce Yourself with Manoeuvre

Speaker will introduce the audience about herself and cleverly twist few facts. Thereafter, audience will have to identify the incorrect information. 

Skills developed (Speaker)                        Skills developed (Audience)

Structuring ideas                                                                    Memory Retention

Verbal delivery                                                                        Listening Skills



Enact and Elucidate Words

Teams will be formed. Each team will be provided with an impressive word and its meaning, they will have to rapidly create a short skit and enact a situation, which explains the meaning of that word.

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal delivery, Memory retention, Collaboration/Team Work, Group Discussion

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Unfold "Modernised" version of Old Story

Teams will be formed. Each team will be provided with an old famous story (e.g. Race between Rabbit and Tortoise) and they will have to alter the story capturing the same scenario, but in the context of Modern times. 

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Grammar, Verbal delivery, Extempore, Collaboration/Team Work, Group Discussion

Coming soon
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Discuss and Debate on Topics as a Group

Very Famous Group Discussions Activities. Groups will be formed and provided with straightforward topics (e.g. Why are Plants important), followed by a collective discussion to which all members will need to contribute. 

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Grammar, Verbal delivery, Extempore, Group Discussion

Coming soon
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Mad-Ad campaigns

Teams will be formed. Each team will be provided with a product for which they will have to create an advertisement (hopefully hilarious) and perform the act.

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Verbal delivery, Extempore, Collaboration/Team Work

Coming soon
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Think on-the-fly and Speak

This is about Extempore public speaking. Straightforward topics and few minutes of preparation time will be granted to participants after which they will have to speak on the same. 

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Grammar, Verbal delivery, Extempore.

Coming soon
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Write a Story, Essay or a News Article

Topics will be provided to participants for either writing an Essay, or create a fresh Story or a News Article. They will submit the written content for review

Skills developed

Creativity, Structuring ideas, Grammar, Creative Writing, Vocabulary

Coming soon
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