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Soft Skills training for SCHOOL children

It is a well known fact that lack of proper education in the underprivileged section of Indian population is a major issue that the nation has to tackle with. There are multiple initiatives by Indian Govt, NGOs and other institutions that are working towards improving the situation. However most of these efforts are focussed on only providing academic enablement for the mainstream subjects like Maths, Science, Social Studies etc. Though this kind of focus is extremely important, but only this much will not be sufficient for inducting an overall comprehensive skillset in the children of underprivileged section. For uplifting the financial status of their families in forthcoming days, and eradicating the tag from their households of being “underprivileged”, these children need to prepare themselves to be able to apply for high-end reputed jobs in the industry, instead of sticking to low-paying professions their guardians may be pursuing. In order to accomplish such an arduous objective, children need to earnestly work on strengthening their overall communication skills in addition to being technically proficient in mainstream subjects. However, coaching for soft skills does not seem to be an area where sufficient coaching is available for the Underprivileged community, as they are distant from the access to reputed schools of international curriculum.


At Prodigies and Pathfinders, this is one big gap that the group aspires to fill in. Ihtesham has taken the lead on this project to put together a set of ideas on which he is taking help from Muqtasid, Farzad and a few other friends and family members to help execute. The Strategy is as follows:

  1. Prodigies and Pathfinders team will start conducting basic soft skills exercises for a wide variety of children. Below on this page, the list of such activities are mentioned. This will give the group, the right takeaways for improving the approach timely, and also gives an opportunity to identify strong candidates among bigger lots, who can be trained separately at an advanced level.

  2. As mentioned above, strong candidates from #1 will get advanced personalized training. Goal will be to create success stories out of these kids.


Basic Soft Skills Training             


                for the relevant activities that are being covered in a very interesting fashion, so that the participants get to learn a lot through means instilled with fun and joy. Enthusiastic participants will be aptly rewarded and selected to be trained at advanced levels. Proceedings of this initiative is captured here - Facebook           and YouTube























Advanced Soft Skills Training             


This training will be divided into 2 sections: writing and speaking. The writing section will consist of concepts such as email writing and organising content in reports and articles. On the other hand, the speaking section will be focusing on verbally communicating confidently in public and learning highly applicable skills such as introducing oneself or answering common interview questions. At the end of this course, you will become a better speaker and writer, enabling you to be more confident and skilful. 

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Click on this link to register as a learner: 

Click on this link to register as a tutor: 

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